Virtual Vacation
Travel is my soul food. I travel to re-energize my spirit so that I can come back to my family and community rejuvenated and bursting with vitality. I channel this energy everyday to be a vessel of love, a channel for peace, a beacon of light and a conduit for abundance for those around me.
New Zealand
Exploring and being in full-on adventure mode is when I feel most alive. Hiking a mountain and not knowing what is around the corner... listening to animals rustling in the bushes and not knowing who I will run into... paddling out to a wave I have never encountered... to me this is living. Swimming with dolphins, diving through kelp forests, sleeping in caves, listening to penguins make love; being amongst nature is my medicine. I love getting lost, I love not knowing where I will rest my head in the evening, I love being naked in the sunshine, I love living in flow. My heart swells just writing about it.
New Zealand
South Africa
South Africa
To spend intimate time with Mother Earth, the most magnificent artist that ever was and ever will be, is my deepest honor.
New Zealand
South Africa
Right now life is a bit different. I am usually far gone by now, gallivanting somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere. I started disappearing for the winter months years ago, as an attempt to tend to a medical condition, ulcerative colitis. I noticed my flares were worse in the cold months. After three consecutive years of being hospitalized in the winter I made a bold choice for myself and decided to go somewhere warm in the winter to see if it helped, and it did! I’m happy to say for the past three years I have not been hospitalized in the winter months, medicine was New Zealand, Australia and South Africa.
This year is different. It is winter now, and I am here in Pennsylvania and I am not scared. I am confident that I’ve healed enough that I can remain healthy in any weather. I will hopefully take off again in the near future but it is not because I need to tend to an illness, it is because I will choose to feed my soul. But until then I am here, I am present and I am happy wintering solo in my beloved off-grid tiny house.
The thing about travel is that it stays with you for your entire mentally able life. The memories are like internal sparks that light you up and keep you warm on darker days. I would like to share the spark with you.
South Africa
South Africa
South Africa
South Africa
New Zealand
I am feeling the joy and savoring the memories, but for now the adventure lies within.