Humble Power
It’s been an interesting 48 hours. Two days ago I was relaxing on my couch in that glorious, satisfying state of accomplishment and exhaustion after being outside and in the soil and sun all day long. I have my legs up to the sky and was acknowledging my dirty knees, filled with scars and stories of my brut-like past. I was relishing in gratitude for my healing abilities and my strong, able, healthy body.
Side note: When my grandfather was alive his nickname for me was “Knees” and perhaps you can see why. They are freakin gnarly. The majority of my upbringing they where bloody, scabbed or bruised. I was the rough-and-tumble type with multiple injuries and surgeries. I haven’t always been a peaceful healer.
As many of you know, I've been working my ass off lately. But in the most joyous way you can think of. I’m in love with life, happy and grateful, with my feet in the soil and hands touching plants. I am learning more everyday about natural systems, inside and out. But sometimes when I get jazzed up like this it’s hard for me to slow down. So, last night after working on my own garden all morning then doing multiple Peace Gardens installations I came home all jazzed up and wanting to work more on the tiny house. But then I misstepped on some uneven stone, turned my ankle, heard a pop and went down. This is where it gets interesting– I immediately put all of my practices into action. All the stuff I talk about, all the stuff I believe, I brought it all into that present moment. I just let myself lay still on my back. I elevated my legs up to the sky and instead of focusing on “Oh shit it hurts! How bad is it? How am I going to work tomorrow? How long is this going to set me back for? I just focused on healing. I softened and acknowledged that the accident was over and I was already in the healing process. I invited the injury to drain down and out of my body, through my hips and into Earth. I acknowledged that my natural being knew exactly what to do and that I am naturally an amazing healer. I laid there for 10 minutes feeling my power, what I call my “humble power” my connection with nature. This is a meditation I have been practicing a lot lately so I found it easy to bring in.
It is super simple, check it out!
After laying on the ground for some time I cleaned up my things, drank a glass of water, took some Arnica, iced and elevated for 20 minutes, messaged rosemary oil and cannabis salve all over it, wrapped in an ace bandage and called my neighbor to see if she had some ibuprofen. I did all the things!
Today I did something the old me would never do, I took the day to rest. I didn’t ignore the pain and muscle through it. I gave myself permission to rest. This is new for me. I thank the rain for her support today. She made it easier for me to stay home with my friends for rosemary, cannabis, ginger and turmeric.
To keep me company I also broke out some alcohol inks. I hadn’t used them in a while so many of them were dried up so I was left with a minimal, unlikely color palette which pushed me to places I would not have otherwise gone. Here’s what came of it.
I will hopefully be back to the gardens tomorrow because I treated myself like my dearest love today and am healing like a champion! Thank you nature.