Tech Detox
The boredom became creativity and the laziness became restoration.
As I often mention Sustainability goes well BEEyond organic food and renewable energy. Most definitely those are two heavy hitters but we can think about sustainability across-the-board in all aspects of our life. A question I often come back to is, “what throws me out of balance?” Anytime I am out of balance I am unstable, not sustainable.
Throughout my process of really hunkering down and writing BEEyond Sustainability my recently released eco-education program, I realized there was an imbalance. It was an interesting irony because I was writing courses to teach others about sustainability but in aspects of my own life I was not being sustainable. I was spending far too much time on technology. Between writing and organizing content, researching, editing, shooting video and promoting, I was out of whack. My obsessing mind and aching right shoulder, neck and arm were making me well aware of the imbalance. I acknowledged it and started making small adjustments but also continued to listen to the urgency and importance of getting this project done. Currently humans are going through a mass evolution. Some say it will be mass extinction, but I’m going with mass evolution because I believe in us. I believe we have the capability to live much healthier, connected lives on this magnificent planet. And I know it is my purpose to help assist as many humans as possible in this evolution in a joyful way. And let’s face it I am number 9 (numerology), generator (human design) Taurus woman a.k.a. a creative, dedicated, passionate human (to put it lightly). So I did what I do, I got it done!
Then I took a glorious Tech Detox. I gave myself permission to recalibrate. I’ll be honest it wasn’t easy at first. I was resistant, I felt useless, bored, annoyed, lazy and anxious, but I stuck with it. And then a couple days in the nervous system started to relax. I began to embrace it. The boredom became creativity and the laziness became restoration. I reconnected from the inside out instead of the outside in. There was minimal external stimulation. I don’t have a television so that helped. I chose not to listen to music and there was ZERO social media. I got out for a run every day whether it was raining, snowing or freezing. FYI I am not a runner. I was present with the change of light each sunset. My digestion returned. I could hear myself think and then make a conscious choice if I wanted to follow that thought or not. I found myself where I love being myself, barefeet in mud, clay under my nails, paint in my air, art supplies all over the place and lots of tea.
Some of the creations from my Detox.
It was a good time! I highly recommend it. Finding a way to periodically unplug is vital for our health. Technology is important but it is even more important to get away from it from time to time. It by no means needs to look the same for all of us but here are a few guidelines that I find helpful.
Tech Detox Tips
Notify those around you of what you are doing (work, family & friends)
Choose an amount of time that is practical for you
Set an accountability buddy
Remove email and social media apps from your phone or at least from your home screen
Have Healthy snacks on hand
Drink a lot of water
Hang in there
Now, I come back to you fully recharged and pumped to share BEEyond Sustainability with you this weekend at my workshop this weekend! Please consider joining and sharing the info and Promo Code: VIRTUAL2021 (20% off Virtual Live Workshop. Limit 1 per person. Can not be combined with any other discounts.)
BEEyond Sustainability 2-Day Virtual Live Workshop with Mesa
Saturday 1/9/21 1-4pm EST
Sunday 1/10/21 1-3pm EST
More details here!
Sustainability is evolution. May this evolution be one of conscious choice and compassionate action for our planet and our health.
Live Love,